Lunette menstrual cup FAQ
Frequently asked questions about menstrual cups. Learn what cup size to choose, how to clean period cup and understand the safety of Lunette cup.
general on period cups.
What is a period cup and how it works.
What are the holes in period cups for?
Those holes at the top of the cup are not there for decoration! They play an important role in making sure that the cup is easy to remove. These holes can get blood caught in them over time, so make sure to clean your cup thoroughly after every cycle.
I've never used a cup before. Is it hard?
Some say it is super easy and they got it right right away. Some said it took five periods before they got it right! When you try the cup for the first time read the instructions well and try to be as relaxed as possible. Try different kinds of foldings and positions and get to know your body. Wash your hands and use your fingers and a little mirror to learn what's your body like. If it doesn't go well for the first time do not panic. It can take some time but i'm sure you'll learn it!
How much blood can a periodl cup hold?
Lunette Period Cups come in 2 sizes. Model 1 can hold about .85 fluid ounces of blood and Model 2 can hold up to 1 ounce. This might not seem like much but the average person only releases about 2-3 tablespoons (or 1.5 ounces) of blood during each period.
So does my blood just sit in there?
Technically yes, but you don’t have to worry about leakage, unless you absolutely forgot you had the cup inside you because it’s just that comfortable! Your blood might overflow and only then would leakage be a problem.
How do I get rid of my old cup?
When your cup has been damaged or you’re ready for a new one, you can place the old cup into your mixed waste bin. However, if you want to create zero waste, you can burn it! The silicone burns into white ash and does not release any harmful substances.
Can I use the Lunette Period Cup with an IUD?
Of course. If you do use an IUD, consult with your doctor about cutting the strings as short as possible and monitor their length regularly during periods. If the strings seem longer than normal, it might be a sign that your IUD has moved.
Can I use Lunette Period Cup with a Contraceptive Ring?
Yes! We’re not trying to prevent you from using your preferred form of birth control. If you are using Lunette together with a contraceptive ring, insert the contraceptive ring before you insert your Lunette Cup. If you’re struggling to take the cup out because the ring is slipping out, don’t panic – it’s a-okay to pop it back in right away.
Can I use my period cup in an airplane?
Will the changes in air pressure affect the seal? Your menstrual cup is safe inside your body and air pressure won’t affect it.
How often should I get a new cup?
We recommend replacing the Lunette cup every few years depending on how well you take care of it. We have users who have used their Lunette cup for ten years but some prefer to change it yearly. You should replace yours if it has any tears, holes, or just isn’t in good condition anymore. Even if you replace your cup every second year, you’ll be spending hundreds less than you would on tampons!
period cup sizing.
One of the most frequent question we get is; which period cup size to choose. Don't worry, we have the answer and we will gladly help if any extra questions arise!
Which size to choose
For light-to-normal flow The Lunette Cup Model 1 is suited to menstruators who experience light to normal flow, resulting in anything from spotting to light bleeding. If you normally find yourself changing a low or regular-absorbency tampon or pad two to three times a day, this is the size for you. By their nature, all Lunette Menstrual Cups are soft and pliable. The Lunette Cup Model 1, however, is made from softer silicone than the Model 2 for enhanced comfort and ease of use.The Lunette Cup Model 2 is made of a firmer silicone than the Model 1, offering more protection from heavy bleeding. Despite this, the Model 2 is still soft and pliable to keep you comfortable throughout your period. If you’re used to anything from moderate bleeding to very heavy bleeding, then the Lunette Cup Model 2 was made with you in mind. Choose this size if you typically find yourself changing high-absorbency tampons and pads every two to four hours, or more frequently.
model 1 (smaller)
The Lunette Menstrual Cup Model 1Light to normal flow All Lunette menstrual cups are soft and pliable, however, Lunette Cup Model 1 is made of softer silicone than Lunette Cup Model 2.The diameter is 41 mm (1.6 inches) by 47 mm (1.9 inches).The stem measures 25 mm (1 inch).The volume of the cup is 25 ml (0.85 fl oz).Measuring lines: 5ml (0.17 oz) and 13.5ml (0.46 oz).
model 2 (larger)
Normal to heavy flow All Lunette menstrual cups are soft and pliable, however, Lunette Cup Model 2 is made of firmer silicone than Lunette Cup Model 1.The diameter is 46 mm (1.8 inches) by 52 mm (2 inches).The stem measures 20 mm (0.8 inches).The volume of the cup is 30 ml (1.0 fl oz).Measuring lines: 7.5ml (0.25 oz) and 15ml (0.5 oz)
other factors to consider
Lighter flow? Model 1 might be for you. Heavier flow? Give model 2 a go! For teens and young users, the smaller model 1 makes for easier ins and outs. Pregnancy For those people who have given birth out there, you can use the Lunette menstrual cup model 1 or 2. Pregnancy changes a few things down there, so firstly take into account your new cervix position (if it's low use a model 1), and secondly your new flow volume post childbirth. Cervix If you have a low-sitting cervix, try the shorter model 1 for a better fit. Lifestyle If you're a fitness goddess with strong vaginal muscles, consider using Model 1. Bladder Sensitive bladder? The softer model 1 might be a match made in heaven for you.
How do I know if my flow is heavy or light?
The dividing line between normal and heavy flow is 80 ml during your periods. Lunette model 1Spotting: A drop or two of blood, not even requiring a sanitary pad though you may prefer to use one. Very light bleeding: Needing to change a low-absorbency tampon or pad one or two times per day, though you may prefer to change them more frequently. Light bleeding: Needing to change a low or regular absorbency tampon or pad two or three times per day, though you may prefer to change more frequently. Lunette model 2 Moderate bleeding: Changing normal absorbency pad or tampon every three to four hours. Heavy bleeding: Needing to change a high-absorbency tampon or pad every three to four hours, though you may prefer to change more frequently. Very heavy bleeding or Gushing: Protection hardly works at all. You would need to change the highest absorbency tampon or pad every hour or two.
how to use a period cup.
Using a menstrual cup is easy but for some, there is a learning curve. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask our excellent customer service!
Can I sleep or swim with the cup?
Of course you can! The cup is really easy to use when swimming since there are no strings attached.
Do I have to remove the period cup when I go to the toilet?
No. You can go to the toilet as you normally would when you’re wearing your Lunette. After a bowel movement, you might want to check that the menstrual cup is still sitting properly. Please do not forget your hand hygiene here!
Can I do inverted yoga poses with a period cup in?
There has been a lot of debate over whether you can do yoga while on your period and even more questions about whether doing upside down poses will cause your blood to leak all over you. Thanks to the suction of the menstrual cup, this isn’t something you should worry about. Staying upside down for a long time might weaken the seal but if you’re just going through asanas in a class, rest easy.
Is it dangerous that the cup reaches to my cervix?
It is not dangerous, only slightly uncomfortable since with some the cervix is very sensitive.
how to fold a period cup.
Most use the typical C-fold. However, there are many ways to fold a period cup.
folding techniques
There are different ways you can get your folding groove on but all result in getting your cup snug and secure in the lower vaginal area and beyond the public bone (the sweet spot) where it can do its thing without you feeling it at all. Once in place, the cup unfolds and gently springs into position where a seal is formed and keeps it held securely. Ready to rock! Not sure which technique is best for you? Give yourself a little time to practice and try them out. Just like with tampons, the first time can take a little concentration but you’ll be a pro before you know it.
C-fold or Heart Fold
C-fold, U-fold or Heart fold is the basic fold that most users use. Once inserted give it a moment to spring into position (don’t worry, it always does!). Rotate the cup if you feel it is not opened properly.
Punch Down Fold or Shell Fold
Punchdown fold is the fold most popular with younger cup users. It makes the cup smaller to insert, you just might need to give it an extra nudge and check that it has opened properly.
7 Fold or Triangle Fold
is the simple fold that’s maybe easier to insert and a good option if the other methods don’t seem to suit you as much.
how to clean a period cup.
Just like any other reusable product, your Lunette Period Cup should stay clean before and after insertion.“But what if I’m not at home and I need to clean my cup?” No worries. Below is a handy guide for the best way to take care of your new companion, no matter where you are.
first time using
Check that the air holes around the top are fully open. Wash your hands and clean your cup with water and mild soap (seriously, none of that scented crap!)Boil it in a large pot for 5 minutes before you use it for the first time.
cleaning during your periods
First, tip the blood into the toilet. Rinse with cold water and then wash with warm water. Use Lunette’s specially for menstrual cups formulated Cup Cleanser to make it squeaky clean.
Your period is finally over – now what?
Wash your cup properly. After your period sanitize the cup by boiling it in a large pot of water for 5 minutes.
Cleaning when you’re out and about
The Lunette Cup Wipes are handy while camping or in a gross porta potty. They help you clean the cup before you are able to carefully wash it under running water. The Cup Wipes enable you to use the cup safely even if water is not available. Wipes are packed separately so they are easy to carry with you.
How to Clean The Lunette Period Cup Air Holes?
Fill the cup with water, place your palm on it, turn it upside down, and squeeze. When the water squirts out through the air-holes, they should be instantly cleaned! Also, you can use a blunt toothpick soaked in rubbing alcohol. Or a tooth brush dedicated solely for this purpose. Do not use sharp items (like needles) on your cup because they will do more damage than good. You can also use Lunette Cup Wipes by rolling the edges tight and and gently sticking them to the air holes and wiping them clean.
How to Clean My Period Cup In A Public Toilet?
Don’t worry, we’re not going to tell you to run to the sink that’s on the other side of the bathroom stall! Remember that Lunette Cup can hold blood for up to 12 hours. However, life happens, and we understand your fears.Our Lunette Cup Wipes are amazing and super convenient when you don’t immediately have access to water (aka a bathroom stall). Remember to wash your Lunette Cup under running water just normally when you back at home.
Should I Wash The Cup With Perfumed Soap Or Tap Water?
No. Perfumed soaps with unknown pH values might coat the cup with a layer of irritants that could damage the precious mucous membrane of the vagina. Some of these soaps may also contain agents that might damage the silicone. It's better to wash Lunette with tap water than use the wrong kind of soap. Lunette is smooth on the inside, making it easy to clean with water alone. When you and Lunette return home, consider our Lunette Cup Cleanser — it's specially created to clean the cup gently and thoroughly without damaging the cup or irritating your body (plus it smells divine!).
Can I Use Other Cleaning Products Or Wipes To Clean my Lunette Period Cup?
Technically yes, but we highly recommend our own products since they have been developed to work with our Lunette products. When using another brand, make sure they don't contain any harsh chemicals, oils, perfumes, or colorants that might leave residual on the cup and irritate the sensitive vagina.
How Do I Know If I’ve Cleaned My Lunette Period Cup Well Enough?
When your Lunette is clean it doesn't have any colors, smells, or oily residue on the surface.
What is the best way to get rid of stains?
The best way to get rid of stains on your cup is to use the Lunette Cup Wipes. They contain only water and alcohol and are a perfect match for your cup! You can also soak the cup in spirit vinegar.Stains can be prevented by always rinsing the cup with cold water first!
How Can I Clean My Period Cup When I Am Traveling Or Camping?
We recommend trying our handy Cup Wipes when water isn't available. They are individually packed cleaning wipes that are compostable. Super easy when camping!
My Lunette Period Cup has started to become discolored over time. Is this normal?
Yes, it's normal because blood is quite strong, but with good cleaning you can minimize the discoloring. If discoloring is strong, you should replace the cup with a new one.
period cup cleaning products.
We know the struggle, that's why we developed awesome cleaning products for silicone menstrual cups back in 2006!
Quick View Lunette Cup Cleanser 100ml £7.49 / -
Quick View Lunette Cup wipes £3.99 /
period cup vs. tampons
Reusable cup is different from tampons in many ways. Our Lunette cup holds more than 3 tampons.
How does the period cup differ from the tampon?
Both are internal menstrual protection. A menstrual cup collects the blood and the tampon absorbs it. A tampon can be used only once whereas a menstrual cup can be used for many years.The absorbing capacity of a tampon is given in grammes and the capacity of the menstrual cup in millilitres. One ml of menstrual blood is comparable with a gramme, so the capacity of tampons and menstrual cups are comparable. The capacity of the Lunette menstrual cup is 25 ml (model 1) and 30 ml (model 2). The absorbing capacity of a tampon is 6-18 g.
How is the material different?
Lunette menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicone whereas most tampons are made from cotton, rayon or blend of them. They can also contain bamboo, hemp or organic cotton Tampons are made from absorbent materials since they absorb the blood. Lunette cup doesn't absorb, it just collects the flow.
Can you wear a period cup longer than you can wear a tampon?
Oh yeah you can! Tampons shouldn’t be left in for more than 4 to 8 hours, depending on your flow because they absorb (and dry!) and can cause micro wounds. Menstrual cups are good to go for up to 12 hours. But, if you have a heavy period, you might want to empty it more often to prevent leakage. Note that local restrictions might apply; for example in France cups should be used only for 6-8 hours and no overnight use.
Can I use a cup on light flow days?
The reason you shouldn’t use a tampon on light flow days or spotting days is because your vagina is much drier during this time. Since tampons are absorbent, this could dry you out even more and increase your risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Menstrual cups are non-absorbent (they collect the blood, instead of soaking it up) so you can use it whenever you’d like.
Will Using A Period Cup Protect Me From Having TSS?
Like with any period care product, you cannot have zero risk of TSS. But a clean, properly used menstrual cup means the chances are very small. Take good care of personal hygiene and always choose a trusted brand. Our cups are made from the highest medical grade silicone which is BPA free and contains no chemicals. With Lunette, you’re in safe hands. TSS is an infection caused by bacteria entering through wounds or mucous membrane. It is an extremely rare, potentially fatal disease occurring in those with or without a uterus, and children. TSS is connected with absorbent tampons.TSS SYMPTOMS INCLUDE:sudden high feversore throatvomitingdiarrheadizzinessa rash resembling sunburnmuscle achesfainting or blackouts Early recognition and cure is vital, so if you have some of the symptoms mentioned above, remove the menstrual cup immediately, contact your doctor and express your concerns about the possibility of TSS.
period cup problems.
Cups are easy to use but sometimes there can be a learning curve. But don't worry, our excellent customer service is more than happy to help you with any questions which are not listed here.
Sometimes I have leakage when I use the period cup
The cervix is the entrance of the uterus through which menstrual blood flows through a pin-sized hole into the vaginal canal. The cervix is cylindrical or cone-shaped and located in the upper part of the vagina. When touched, it feels like the tip of a nose. For some, it moves significantly lower during menstruation. Since the cervix is usually high in the vagina and the menstrual cup is placed low, the cervix remains above the cup. But if the cervix is significantly low, it may enter the interior of the cup.Tampons in contrast, are placed further up inside the vagina, where the cervix is located. In Lunette diagrams, the cervix is intentionally placed very high to emphasize that the correct position of the cup is low in the vagina. Leaks are more frequent for them whose cervix moves lower during menstruation or if the cup has been inserted too high in the vagina, next to the cervix, or above it. The cup might also exert pressure on the cervix and cause discomfort and even pain. The best way to evaluate the position of your cervix is by observing leakage — if you have experienced leakage even when the cup has been opened, make sure that the cup is significantly lower than the cervix.In some users, the cervix fits best inside the menstrual cup. For many users, the cervix descends after giving birth; for others, it is simply situated low in the vagina. If you have given birth recently, or more than once, you should exercise the pelvic diaphragm muscles by doing kegels. Keeping these muscles in shape is useful when using the menstrual cup, as well as to avoid incontinence and improve sex. If you haven’t experienced leakage and you have not located the cervix, there is no need to hunt for it. You’re a woman whose cervix is so deep in the vagina that it does not affect the use of the menstrual cup in any way.
I Can’t Get My Period Cup Out. Should I Be Worried?
Don’t worry! You’re not getting anything stuck in there. Removing your menstrual cup can be tricky at first, but we promise it will come naturally after a few tries. When removing the cup, always remember to use your own pelvic floor muscles. Push the cup down with your pelvic muscles (as if you were pooping) until you can get a firm grip from the bottom. Pinch the bottom with your fore finger and thumb to release the suction. Then, keep pushing while slowly pulling the cup out. You can also rock it from side to side, or you can fold the cup a bit by grabbing the cup with your fore finger, middle finger and thumb.Place your fingers around the cup and push your thumb between the fore and middle finger, that way you fold the cup with the c-fold method and it’s easier to get out. You can also try this trick: slide your finger amongst the side of the cup (your finger between the cup and vaginal wall) and bend your finger when you reach the rim.Be careful with your fingernails if they are too long!
My Lunette Period cup has been inside me for ten hours, is that okay?
The usage limit of 12 hours is our recommendation, but longer use will not necessarily cause problems. We recommend changing it 3-4 times a day to avoid any risk of infections. If cup stays inside for longer, and you get any symptoms of an infection, please contact your doctor.
HELP! Why can’t get my period cup inserted comfortably?
You may not be able to get the menstrual cup to fit right the first time, but with a bit of practice you will be able to insert the cup like an expert. Check out different folding methods. Every body is different so if one fold doesn’t work well for you try another one! Although "dry-run" is okay, since the cup doesn't absorb anything, we recommend trying the cup when you are on your period. That way the blood works as a lubrication and usage might be easier.
My cervix is tilted and shortly after placement I experienced small bit of leakage.
The problem can be that the cup is a bit tilted too. Then it doesn't face your cervix properly and lets some of the leak pass the cup. Cup should sit in the lower part of the vagina.
safety & quality.
We have been in the market since 2005 and we have a long history of making high quality products. With the knowledge and happy users all around the world, we can proudly say that Lunette cups are safe to use. If you want to read more about the certifications or awards we have received, please visit our awards & certifications page.
Is the Cup Material Safe?
Yes it is. The silicone used in Lunette is not the same type of liquid silicone that is used in breast implants or silicone in some other occasions. Lunette silicone is soft and silky, yet solid and poses no risk of leaking. It's toxin-free, durable, and in no way harmful to human tissue. We always use only medical grade silicone in our Lunette cups.
Are colored cups safe?
Yes. The dye used in Lunette menstrual cups is approved for medical and food use. The colors don’t contain heavy metals or phthalates. We don’t use really bright colors or glitter in our products- we choose our colors very carefully so they are truly safe to use inside the vagina. Plus the type of dye used in the Lunette menstrual cups are inside the silicone so it’s not possible for the color to leach like with some cheaper dyes which are also used in other menstrual cups.
Does Lunette Contain Phthalates, Bisphenol A or Heavy Metals?
No, Lunette (clear and colored versions) is manufactured from highest quality medical grade silicone and it does not contain any phthalates, bisphenol A, or heavy metals.
If I’m allergic to latex, can I still use a period cup?
You sure can if the cup is made of medical grade silicone! Lunette menstrual cups are made of medical grade silicone, so you can bleed without worrying about a latex allergy.
My first cup has been unused in it's bag for quite a long time, can I still use it?
If the cup looks fine (no crevicies or so) you can totally use the same cup.
What materials other than silicone are appropriate for period cups?
Latex is fine too but people might be allergic to it. There are also cups made from TPE plastic which apparently is safe. It's not a material we use, so we can't say anything for certain. Lunette cups are always made from medical grade silicone.
How often should I Replace the Lunette Period Cup?
We don't think it's necessary to replace a Lunette that often. Lunette exceeds all expectations: it's made of the best quality of medical-grade silicone. You can safely use your Lunette for few years — there's no need to replace it annually, however the FDA recommends replacing the cup every two to three years. Some choose to replace their cup over time due to aesthetic reasons, as cups have a tendency to discolor with age. You can prevent discoloring by always rinsing your cup with cold water before cleaning it using the Lunette Cup Cleanser.
How Can I be Sure that Your Products are Manufactured in Finland?
Lunette products, including Lunette menstrual cups, Cup Cleanser, Cup Wipes, and more, have the coveted Key Flag, an award and certification of distinction for superior products produced in Finland, issued by the Association for Finnish Work. This association has been promoting and regulating Finnish manufacturing, products and innovations for over 100 years. When issuing the Key Flag, all costs accumulated up to the shipping of a product at the factory gate are observed.
how to use period panties and pads.
Do I need to soak them?
You can soak Lunette panties and pads but it's not necessary. You can give it a quick rinse with cold water until it runs clear after the use if you want. There’s no need to soak, as rinsing is all you’ll need to help prevent stains. If you soak them, please use mix of water and vinegar. If you don't soak them, store them ventilated before washing them so they won't develop any smells.
How to wash them?
All you need to do is to add it to a standard clothes wash at 40-60° — it’s that easy! Just make sure you don’t add any fabric softener to your washing machine as it can reduce the absorbency of the pads and panties.
Can I use tumbler drier?
We don't recommend it since it is quite harsh on the materials.
How long Reusable Pads can last in use?
The Lunette Reusable Pads can last up to 4-5 years in use, possibly longer! Factors such as washing and the number of times the pad has been used determines how long a single cloth pad will last.
How do pads stay in place?
Our reusable pads have wings that wrap around your underwear and are secured in place with a press button. Wearing well-fitting underwear will help create a closer fit to your body. TIP: wear underwear that is made from cotton or another non-slip material to help keep your pad in place.
How many Pads will I need?
This depends on your flow and if you're either using pads exclusively or using the pads as a backup with your menstrual cup. We recommend to have an assortment of pads to have you covered throughout your cycle: 2-4 minis, 6-12 mediums and 1-3 maxis.
Aren’t reusable pads bulkier than disposables?
Lunette Reusable Cloth Pads are made of multiple layers of soft, comfy organic cotton fabric, bamboo viscose for great absorbency and waterproof coated PUL-fabric layer to block the moisture - so they can be found slightly thicker than disposable pads. HOWEVER, we’ve been able to avoid too many bulky layers by using quality fabrics and carefully crafted design! The Lunette Reusable Pads are truly comfortable, soft and made from safe materials– just the things you want from a pad, without too many bells and whistles.
Can I trust my Reusable Pad not to leak?
The Lunette Reusable Pad is made from high quality materials that are known for their absorbency. The first layer that is against your skin is super soft, organic cotton, followed by a layer of bamboo viscose to absorb all moisture, with the final layer of PUL-fabric to block any leakage from passing through. The Cloth Pad has two wings that snap around the underwear to keep the sides of your underwear dry. However, it depends on your flow how often you need to change your cloth pad before becoming completely saturated. After using the Lunette Reusable Pad for a short while, you’ll get a good idea on how often to change them and keep leak-free. Please note – it's important to make sure the pad is the right way around, with the tag facing your underwear. If not, your pad might leak.
Won’t cloth pads get stained?
Yes, even though the Lunette Reusable Pads are amazing in every single way, slight staining might eventually occur. However, we would like to reassure you that the stains don’t mean that the Lunette Cloth Pad is ruined or not clean. Naturally, darker pad colours hide the stains conveniently.
How often should I change my cloth pad?
Changing your Lunette Cloth Pad depends on the amount of your flow. You will know it’s time to switch the pad if it starts feeling wet against your skin. Naturally, with heavier flow, you will need to change the cloth pad more often. With lighter flow, more infrequent changing will do!
Should I wash new pads before wearing?
Yes, we recommend washing the Lunette Cloth Pads before the first use according to the care instructions - in machine wash cycle 40-60 degree. The Lunette Cloth Pads are handled in a clean environment, but the washing removes all the loose particles, such as dust and fabric cuttings. The first wash will matt the fabric and increase the absorbency.
When should I wash the pads?
You should wash the Lunette Cloth Pads after every use. We recommend rinsing or soaking the pad directly after use and then store away after being dried. You can wait for your next full laundry load to wash the pads! Basically, just wash them whenever is the most convenient for you.
Why my Cloth Pad leaks?
Remember to wash the pads before first use. The Lunette Reusable Pads are machine sewn and therefore the holes from the needle can leak. It's important for the fabric to be washed before use as the structure will this way be restored. You should also change the pad more often to avoid any unfortunate leakages.
What about Reusable Pads and period smell?
The first thing to pay attention to is changing the cloth pad often enough. When period flow comes in contact with air, it isn’t unusual for it to smell like period bleed at some point. The cloth pad is more breathable than disposable pads and may even avoid the smell occurrence as there will be less moisture wicked. Please note - if you detect a strong or sturdy smell (insert link to vagina smell blog), you should always check your pH balance and rule out possible infections. Make sure to speak to a health care professional if you’re concerned.
More questions?
We are here for you and we're happy to answer any questions you might have. Please send an email to or use our social media handles @lunettecup