Menstrual cramps are uncomfortable but, in general, a harmless side effect of menstruation. Some people suffer from bad stomach and back pain, headaches and diarrhea while some don’t even notice their period, except the bleeding. If you are not one of those lucky women for whom menses don’t constitute more than emptying the cup, you can ease menstrual pain either through medication or other ways. Usually, the pain can be relieved by painkillers, exercise and, for example, a hot water bottle on the stomach. However, many people don’t remember to pay enough attention to their diet when the bloodiest days of the month are making inroads.
Before and during periods pay particular attention to getting enough of these nutrients:
Magnesium and vitamin B6
The uterus is a muscle, and when contracting during menstruation, it may go over to the state of lactic acid just like other muscles do. Magnesium is an effective aid in the treatment of muscles and gives relief to uterine cramping pains. You can get magnesium and vitamin B6 for example from vegetables, fish, nuts, and almonds.
Healthy fats
Fatty acids are the precursors of hormones, like their building blocks. This means that good fats make good hormones, bad fat makes bad hormones. If your hormone balance is changing radically, it is advisable to pay attention to the matter. Good fats can be derived from olive oil and salmon. Salmon also contains vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and iron which also contribute to alleviating menstrual pain.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been shown to reduce menstrual cramps and the amount of leakage. Nuts and seeds, vegetable oils and avocados are good sources of vitamin E.
Also, zinc has been found to relieve menstrual cramps and swelling. Add zinc to your diet a few days before the start of menstruation. Please note that zinc requires vitamin B6 to be absorbed, so be sure that the food you eat contains enough vitamin B6. Good sources of zinc are red meat (especially beef), seafood, dairy products, whole grain cereals and green vegetables, especially peas, asparagus and spinach.
Also remember!
Calcium, whole grain products and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet and contain plenty of vitamins and trace elements that relieve painful periods.