A trip you’ve been planning for months can be ruined by simply not being prepared. We’re not talking about not booking your adventures or hotels on time, we’re talking PERIODS! So if you think your period might come during that hike to Machu Picchu, that surf trip to Bali, or just a casual camping trip 3 hours away from your home, make sure you have your period cup handy at all times!
How menstrual cups can make traveling nicer on your period
- Frees up space in your luggage. Worth repeating given those awful luggage fees. The more you can fit in your carry-on bags, the better!
- One cup suits all flow needs. No need to bring various menstrual supplies to accommodate your flow as it evolves through your period. Tampons, back-up pads, overnight napkins, mini-pads as your period lightens - you no longer need 'em.
- Maintain privacy as you go through airport security. During airport inspections, no need to display your period care items to nearby passengers as airport security rifles through your belongings.
- Ensures discretion. Periods or period products are definitely nothing to be ashamed of, but in some situations you don't necessarily want to display your period products out in the open. Your cup should come with its own pouch, where it can breathe and be ventilated when not in use. And it certainly doesn’t scream "I'M ON MY PERIOD!”
- No need to re-purchase supplies at your destination. This is especially important in some countries where tampons are scarce or non-existent.
- Durable. Ever find a beat-up tampon that has torn through its wrapper on the bottom of your purse? Pretty much a waste of product, not to mention awkward when someone else fumbles through your purse for a pen.
- Comfortable to wear in hot destinations. Unlike pads that can be stifling and damp, or wet stringed tampons. Whether you’re in a hot country, negotiating a bustling market or camping out at a festival, check out ‘Conquer your music festival period fears’.
- Perfect for backpacking or camping. Pack in one squish-able menstrual cup – no applicators or wrappers to pack out.
- It’s secure. No worries of leaking when you hit that spectacular beach or resort pool. Plus no risk of a string revealing itself if you wear a revealing bikini!
- More capacity = Less fuss. How often do you have to change your tampon? You can double that time before you need to empty your menstrual cup. Because cups hold twice as much as a super tampon, you can go twice as long before you need to empty them. That means more time for touring and playing without interruption.
- Cleaning cupwipes are portable and composable for easy care on the road. Before you go on your trip, make sure to boil your cup so it’s ready to be used when your period starts! And remember, have fun!!! For more information read ‘How to clean your menstrual cup in a public toilet.
- You can prepare for the unpredictable. If your periods are irregular and you’re worried about being caught out, it’s perfectly safe to insert a period cup “just in case”.