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Fostering Self-Love With Yoga Guru Jessamyn Stanley
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Fostering Self-Love With Yoga Guru Jessamyn Stanley

Just like yoga, self-love takes practise.

Respecting, honoring, and caring for yourself is something you must work at every day. You don’t improve in your Crow Pose or Headstand by simply thinking about it. 

We spoke with the AMAZING Jessamyn Stanley from Underbelly Yoga about body positivity, self-love and how to throw self doubt out the window and become your biggest cheerleader.

Whether you're a beginner or a lifelong self-love practising yogi, Jessamyn has some advice and wisdom for you.

What does self-care mean to you? 

 Self-care means respecting and caring for every aspect of myself, whether that’s physical, emotional, or mental. 

Why do you think so many of us struggle with low self-esteem? 

I think capitalism thrives on us not believing in ourselves. I think that we have an opportunity as a society to evolve capitalism so that it can thrive on our high self esteem instead.

How long have you been practising yoga? 

I have been practicing yoga for nearly a decade.

How can yoga / mindfulness help us overcome this struggle? 

Yoga and mindfulness can help us remember that the waves in life happen for a reason. The present moment is the space in which we blossom. 

What has yoga done for you as a person? 

Yoga has allowed space for me to be more patient and more compassionate with myself and the world around me. 

What’s something we can do to foster self-love when we’re feeling down on ourselves for a failure, mistake, or flaw? 

Unplug from technology and go outside. Look at the sky, breathe in fresh air, and remember who you are.

What do you think are some of the most common misconceptions about self-love? 

I think the most common misconception about self-love is that it is a constant state and that you should always love yourself. I don’t think it’s possible to always love yourself, and I don’t think it’s necessary. You’re supposed to feel every possible way about yourself, and that means hating yourself too. Another misconception - the process of self-love will be fun, or pretty, or nice to look at. It is hard won, and a constant journey.

What activities make you feel good about yourself?

Being active. Feeling my breath connect with motion. Being in nature. Soaking in bodies of water.




Enjoy, beautiful! 

Are you ready to begin your journey with yoga, self-love and body pampering period products? Buy a Lunette Cup today and get 3 MONTHS OF FREE YOGA with Underbelly Yoga and Jessamyn! 

*Instructions and promo code for claiming your free yoga will be included in your Lunette Cup order confirmation.

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